Vigilance - Summer/Fall (/12) | 23.5" x 11.75"
Vigilance - Summer/Fall (/12) | 23.5" x 11.75"
medium: low relief bronze (pre-cast price is 20% less than the actual price)
size: 23.5 x 11.75 in
edition of 12
Currently available by order only.
Contact us to purchase.
Unframed currently available within 12-13 weeks, framed 14-15 weeks. Please inquire for custom framing prices/options by artist.
The image pictured is of a finished resin casting which is not for sale. Bronze castings may be purchased at the quoted current price and can be finished as per the customer's request in hand rubbed liver of sulfur, ferric (gold colored patina) or silver nitrate.
"The complexity of the shifting season's shifting - the cusps and edges of one distinct idea completed, while simultaneously another begins - a graying of absolutes and a malleability of the concepts of beginnings and endings constantly wheeling through time...such is the fascination upon which this human life metaphor is derived." ~J.D. Welsh